If you work with pdf files you know that the size can become very large quickly probably if in the file included graphics and images. How many times you have scan a PDF File with lot of pages and the file was very big. Then The problems began probably if you are In the office, the email blocked from company policy due to expand file size, it's take too long to send the pdf file.Most of the times in your work you have a PDF Editor you can optimize the Pdf to reduce the file size. But what you will do if you don’t have a PDF Editor? Below you can use variety of methods to reduce the PDF File size.
- Orpalis PDF Reducer
- Download the software from https://www.orpalis.com/products/pdfreducer/.
You can find it in Free Edition and Commercial Edition. - Install the software with 3 clicks.It's very easy.
- When finish open the software.
The only disadvantage in free edition is that when open it appear a small window to remind you that use the Free Edition and must be wait some seconds to open the software.
- When enable the button Please wait ..... Click OK.
- Now you can add the pdf that you want to reduce in the Source.Click ...... and choose the pdf.
- In the Destination select that path that you want to save the new pdf file.
- Click Start batch and wait to create your new file. So simple!!!!
- SmallPDF.com
You can find in the Internet a lot of websites which reduce the pdf file size. One of my favorite is the Smallpdf.com
Just drag and drop the file in the area that says Drop PDF here or click in button Choose File to open a Windows Explorer and choose the fie.
You can decide which is the best for you. Add the file and wait for the results.
- PDF Compressor
Another one free software is the PDF Compressor. It’s one of my favourite because it has very good User Interface.You can find free edition or Pro Edition which must you pay.
- Download the software from https://www.pdfcompressor.org/
- Install the software which just 2-3 clicks
- Open the software and click Add file or drag and drop the file in the area that says Click here to add files ........
- Choose the file and click Open. Then you can see the file in white area.
- Click the button Start Compression and wait to finish.
- When you finish will be open a window to confirm if you want to open the file or not.
- If you don’t want to open the file you can find it in the path which write in Output to or you can change the path if click in button Browse and choose your own path.
That's it!!!Finish with simple steps.
You can find lot of these software and online sites to do this job. These 3 ways are tested and works well without problems.