Today will proceed to explain step by step how can configure Windows Deployment Server (WDS) using Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2013 (MDT).
After finish will have the ability to Deploy Windows images through the Network without need to create boot images in USB.
Before start to read this document must have read the
How Deploy Windows image using MDT and WDS in Windows Server 2016 (Part 1)
So let's continue
Add Boot Images in WDS from MDT 2013
- Open Windows Deployment Server
- Right click in Boot Images and select Add Boot Image.

- Click Browse and find the location which include the Boot Image.

- Because we configure WDS with MDT the boot images located in the Deployment Share folder that you have create in MDT 2013 in subfolder Boot.
- In my MDT the deployment share path is \\mdt\deploymentshare$\boot.
- Select the LitetouchPE_x64.wim or LitetouchPE_x32.wim and click Next

- Type the image name and image description that you want. Click Next

- Click again Next.

- Wait to finish the import and click Finish.

- Now in Boot Images you can see the Boot Image that you import.

Configure DHCP Server for PXE Boot
Now it's time to configure DHCP Server to boot the Workstation from network and find the Boot Images from Windows Deployment Server.
- Open DHCP Server
- If you have more than one Scopes expand the Scope that you want to configure
- Right click in Scope Options and select Configure Options

- Find and tick the 066 Boot Server Host name.
- In the String value type the ip address of the Windows Deployment Server

- Find and tick the 067 Boot file name.
- In the string value type /boot/x64/wgdmgfw.efi
- If you have Add x32 Boot image then you can change to /boot/x32/wgdmgfw.efi
- For more details you can login in Windows Deployment Server and open the path of Remote Installation folder that configure when was setup the Windows Deployment Services t. You can find this configuration in Part 1 article.

- Now login in Windows Deployment Server and open the Console
- Right click in Server and select properties

- Click in tab DHCP check the option Don't listen on DHCP Ports (only if you have install Windows Deployment Services separate from DHCP Server)

- Click in tab Advanced and check the option Authorize the Windows Deployment Services Server in DHCP.
- Click OK

- Sometimes the Deployment it's not working and get the following error in the Event Logs of WDS Server

- Then go in Properties of WDS Server
- Click in TFTP Tab and uncheck the Enable Variable Window Extension

Configure Workstation to boot through network
Now we are ready to deploy Windows image in Workstation throught the network
- If the Workstation is Physical then when power on the Workstation press the F12 button which is the default option of Windows Deployment Server.
- In case that the Workstation or Server is VM then select the VM.
- Click in Settings

- From the left side select Firmware
- Select the Network Adapter and click in Move up button until Network Adapter go first.

- Then start the VM.
- When the Physical Workstation or VM Start you will see the following screen.
- That means has recognize the Windows Deployment Server and the Deployment will start

That's it. From now on you have the configuration to Deploy Windows images from your network.
I hope to find valuable my article and help you.
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