We use Skype every day to communicate with our friends, family , in the work , for interviews. But Skype doesn't offer any obvious way to use multiple accounts simultaneously. Sometimes need to use your personal account and your work account at the same time. As IT i had lot of requests in my work if can use Skype with multiple accounts at the same time. I have found this way and i will share with you how can do it.
One way to use Skype multiple accounts simultaneously is if you have already running Skype on your computer you can simply open the Web App at web.skype.com and login with secondary account. So you can use 2 different accounts at the same time.
To use more than 2 Skype accounts you can open the web.skype.com from different web browser and login with different accounts.
Very simple.
From Skype for Desktop in Windows
If you want to use Skype only from your Desktop or Laptop then you can sign in with multiple accounts with the following steps.
- Open your Skype and login with the first account as usual
- Go in Start - - >Run and type the following command if you have install Skype in default path.
For 64bit
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" /secondary
For 32bit
"C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" /secondary
You can repeat this command for third,fourth and other additional copies of Skype.
Note: If you have install in different folder the Skype instedad of the default you must change the command with the path that you have install Skype.
If you want to make it easier you can create shortcuts instead to run every time the command.
- Go to your desktop and Right click in Shortcut of Skype.
- Click Open File Location.
- Right Click in Skype.exe and Select Send to - - >Desktop.
- Go in Desktop and find the new Shortcut of your Skype (usually the name is Skype - Shortcut)
- Right click and select Properties.
- In the Target add in the end the word /secondary.(After Skype.exe" leave space unless you get an error)
- Click OK.
- Now login with the Skype that you have it.
- Click in the Second Skype and you will see that will ask for credentias.
- Login with your second account.
You can repeat these steps for third,fourth and other additional copies of Skype.
I hope to find intresting my article and already start to use Skype multiple accoutns.
Have a nice weekend !!!.