How many times you have sent an email in wrong recipient or has include and other persons in CC by mistake that you don't want. In your personal emails maybe sometimes not big deal and you don' t care. What about in your work enviroment that you have to do with customers,managers and boss?
Outlook has a great future to recall emails and i have write an article How can Recall an Email from Outlook 2010 & 2013 for the specific feature. But if you use Gmail ? Until now you didint have this feature.
As i said before Until now because Google at Tuesday (24/6/2015) release official this feature in Gmail Accounts. It's already available for all accounts except from some Gmail Business accounts. Unfortunately now the feature it's not available for the Gmail mobile app biut Mashable reported that Gmail is planning to roll out the feaure in Gmail Mobile app soon.
Let's explain how can enable the feature Undo Send.
Enable Undo Send
- Go in the right side of Gmail and select the gear icon.
- Click Settings.
- Scroll down and you will see the option Undo Send.
- Check the Enable Undo Send and change from 10 to 30 the second option Send Cancellation Period.
- Go in the bottom and click Save Changes.
Undo Send Email
Now go to do our test to check that works and how can undo.
- Create a new Email and send it in yourself if you don't have any other email to send it.
- After send the email you will see in the top of Gmail Your message has been sent and 2 options Undo and View message.
- Click in Undo and the email will be back.
- Correct your recipients and send it again.
Great feature and stop to embarrasing in your customers or boss because of a mistake. Already i have enable the feature in case of any mistake. I think you must do it also.
I hope to find usefull my article.
Have a nice weekend.
See you next Friday.