How to Work with HYPER-V CheckPoints

CheckPoints provide a fast and easy way to revert a Virtual Machine in Previous State .Can be very usefull for IT , System Administrators  to recreate a specific problem or condition to troubleshoot a problem and when finish to revert back in previous state. CheckPoints can be use for certain circumanstences which make sense. For example you can use checkpoint in production enviroment before proceed with an update of a software running. But it's not prefer to use Checkpoints in Virtual Machines which provide sensitive services or availability of storage is low.

Hyper-V CheckPoints are very usefull and i will proceed with the following subjects

  1.  How can create a CheckPoint/
  2. Delete a CheckPoint.
  3. Apply a Check Point in case that something goings wrong.


Let's Start !!

  • Open HYPER-V Manager
  • Right Click in the Virtual Machine that you want and select CheckPoint.

  • You can see the CheckPoint that created with some details like date and time.

For more technical details when create a CheckPoint in the Path of the Virtual Hard Disks or in the Default Path C:\Users\Public\Documents\HYPER-V\Virtual Hard Diksk creted an AVHDX File

When delete te checkPoint deleted and the AVHDX File.


Let's create a very very simple Scenario just to clear understand the power of CheckPoint.

We need to move a folder in the Desktop of Windows Server 2008.

  • We start to Move the folder in the Desktop of Virtual Machine.
  • The folder moved successfull without problems.

  • Right Click in Check Point that has created and select Delete CheckPoint.
  • Click Delete.

  • Watch the Status of the Virtual Machine.

All tasks proceed without problems.

Now i will explain what happened if after create the CheckPoint the task that apply it's not going very well and have issues with Virtual Machine.

Here we represent only with a very simple example as to move a folder in the Desktop of Virtual Machine

  • We start to Move the folder in the Desktop of Virtual Machine.
  • Oops something going wrong with the transfer. We must go back before move the folder in the Desktop.
  • Right click in the CheckPoint that have created and select Apply.
  • You can select and Create CheckPoint and Apply. This option create another one checkpoint when apply the CheckPoint.

  • In this example we Select Apply and watch the Status of Virtual Machine.

  • When Apply the CheckPoint the Virtual Machine loose the connectivity because restoring in Previous State.
  • Login in Virtual Machine and you can see that the folder which have created it's not exist anymore.

Imagine that you have a Production Server and want to apply a Software Update but it's not install successfull and the users can't Work. If you have create a CheckPoint before start the installation when you see that you have problem with the update ypu can restore it in State before start the Installation.

Very very usefull for Test Servers , Labs.But  for Production Enviroments only in some circumanstences

As i say in the beginning Microsoft not recommend to use CheckPoints in Virtual Machines which provide senitive services.

For Example you can't use Check Point in Domain Controller if you have and 2nd Domain Controller which Replicated. 

Because after apply CheckPoint in the Domain Controller the Replicated Domain Controller will find the changes as oudated and here start THE BIG PROBLEM.

One Last think Don't use CheckPoints as BACKUPS. It's different a Backup fromCheckPoint.

I hope to find usefull my article

Enjoy your Weekend.

See you next Friday.