HYPER-V Integration Services are services that allow communication between virtual machine and HYPER-V host. When install a new Virtual Machine then automatic install a package of services which consists the HYPER-V Integration Services and improve the performance and manageability of Virtual Machine.
Today i will explain in depth how can manage Integration Services from HYPER-V Console PowerShell, Guest(OS) or Linux.
So let's start
What's New in HYPER-V Integration Services for Windows Server 2012
In the Windows Server 2012 R2 the only thing that change in Integration Services with prior Windows Servers is the Guest Services. With this update System Administrators can copy files between virtual machine and HYPER-V Host from HYPER-V Manager without need network connection between them.
What's New in HYPER-V Integration Services for Windows Server 2016
In the Windows Server 2016 you don't need anymore to update HYPER-V Integration Services in your Virtual Machines because all the updates for the Integration Services included in the Windows Updates.
How to Manage Integration Services from HYPER-V Manager
*Applies to Windows Server 2008 , Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016, Windows 10
If you have GUI Environment in your HYPER-V Host you can manage Integration Services from HYPER-V Manager. How can do this?
- Open the HYPER-V Manager
- Select the Virtual Machine that you want.
- From the right sidebar select Settings.
- From the left sidebar in the bottom select Integration Services.
- Find all the Integration Services. These with tick are enable.
For more details yo can read the Officeal article from Microsoft in Microsoft Docs Manage Hyper-V Integration Services
Manage Integration Services with PowerShell.
If you would like to Manage Integration Services with Powershell read the article
Manage Integration Services from Guest (OS)
If you would like to take a look where can found the Integration Services or manage the Integration Services from Guest (OS) you can go in Services and find the following Services
How to Check Version of Integration Services
*Applies to Windows Server 2008 , Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016, Windows 10
If you would like to find the version of Integration Services you have 2 options.
- From the Guest (OS) open the Device Manager , Expand System Devices
- Right click in Microsoft Hyper-V Virtual Machine Bus and select Properties.
- Select Tab Driver and check driver Version.
The second option is from Powershell in HYPER-V Host. See the article to see how can do it
How to Install or Update Integration Services in Guest(OS)
*Applies only in Windows Server 2008 , Windows Server 2012 R HYPER-V Manager
When you install a new Virtual Machine by default install the Integration Services. But if you would like to reinstall for any reason or Update the Integration Services it's not very difficult.
As you can see in my example one of my Virtual Machines need to update the Integration Services.
Let's see how can do it.
- Open the Virtual Machine that you want to update or Install the Integration Services
- Click Action - - > Insert Integration Services Setup Disk.
- From the Guest(OS) Open the My Computer and you will see a new DVD Drive with Integration Services Setup.
- Open the DVD Drive - - >amd64 and double in click in setup.exe
- If the version need update it will prompt to update the version.
- Click Yes. After finish must be restart the virtual machine . So be carefull if it's in your Production enviroment.
Manage Integration Services in Linux
If you have install one of the supported version of Linux in HYPER-V. For more details for the supported Linux OS in HYPER-V open the
Supported Linux and FreeBSD virtual machines for Hyper-V on Windows from Microsoft Docs
- Find the Version of Integration Services run the command
/sbin/modinfo hv_vmbus
- If you want to verify that the integration services are running type the following command
/sbin/lsmod | grev hv
The output should be like
hv_utils is the driver for integration services in linux
Install or Update Integration Services in Linux.
If you have Linux in your HYPER-V host which supported the procedure is different. Let's take a look. In my environment i have a Centos 7 (x64) and the Integration Services aren't installed.
- Download Integration Services for Linux from https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=46842.
- I choose ISO to download but you can download a tar.gz
- Go in the right sidebar of HYPER-V Manager and select Settings.
- Select IDE Controller 1 - - >DVD Drive or SCSI Controller base on the VM Generation
- Check the Image file click browse and find the iso file of the integration services which download.
- Click OK.
- Start the virtual machine and type the following command to mount the dvd drive
mount -r /dev/cd0 /media
- Type cd media
- You can install or update integration services.
- So type ./install.sh OR type ./update.sh
- After finish restart the Linux.
Integration Services ISO Files
*Applies to Windows Server 2008,Windows Server 20012 R2
Every time which create new virtual machine integration services are installed. If you need to download integration files for ISO you can find it in https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=46842.
If you have Windows Server 2008,Windows Server 20012 R2 HYPER-V Manager you can find an ISO file with filename vmguest.iso on HYPER-V Host in the path C:\windows\system32.
I try to cover most of the Integration Services to help you and learn how can manage. If you have any question you can do your comments through our commented system. Share your question or any other info that you have related with Integration Services.