Export Contacts from Skype

It’s time to change Skype account? You decide to create a new account in the Skype and you want all your contacts from previous Skype account? How can grab all you contacts from Skype?
If you want to export all contacts from your Skype account follow the steps:


1.    Click in Skype - > Contacts - > Advanced - > Backup Contacts to file.

2.    Choose the path that you want to save the file (.vcf) with contacts.

3.    Open your Skype with the new account and go > Contacts - > Advanced - > Restore Contacts from file.

4.    Choose the path that you have save the file(.vcf) with Skype Contacts.

5.    Click Open

That’s it!!!

Don’t forget to resend invitation in all your Contacts with a message from your new Account.